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Defining horror with the Horror Writers Association

A.E. Santana

On Saturday, August 3, I spoke on the Horror Writers Association panel on defining horror with Chad Stroup, author of horror comic Hag, and Brian Asman, author of I’m Not Even Supposed to Be Here Today (Eraserhead Press 2019), at Midsummer Scream.

We discussed how we were first introduced to the horror genre (whether it was through books, television, or movies), how we each defined the horror, and discussed niche and sub-genres of horror. We shared some of our favorite stories and recommendations before taking questions from the audience.

Pre-chatting with Brian and Chad on our questions
Left to right: Brian Asman, Chad Stroup, A.E. Santana
Chad Stroup and A.E. Santana answering questions

How would you define horror? What was your first introduction to the genre?


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